Project #9 Data Portrait


The data that I tracked is my winning rounds of playing the game Gwent in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt! I used rectangles with golden edges to present my data because it looks like cards. Each game have 3 rounds and if you can win 2 of them, then you win the whole game. And the width of the rectangle was the score we got in this game.


I set a TimeInterval for my seven days data, and you can see it automatically playing the data. You can tell that this is an exciting game if the size of our rectangles are similar(That means our score is almost the same, and it is hard to tell who can win this game)


I think I can explore more and maybe make more seven days data in the future and put them together to see the effect. Or keep more data like the number of rounds I played each day, and caculate the winning rate.